If you have the Shape and the Coil going back you can shallow the shaft early in the downswing. A lot of better players are steep and have to shallow the club later. In this video Gary explains how great ball strikers create store-up without pulling the club down vertically.
Video Search Results: store-up
The Turning Point
There needs to be a point where turn stops and comes back again. People who tilt and over-rotate lose their original angle and can’t get store-up coming down. Gary explains the turning point and his student instantly gets more power.
No more Flip
This is the most common impact position we see. It is always caused by incorrect body and arm angles at set-up. If you understand this Lesson you can fix the flip and get more store-up and compression at impact.
Chucking the Club
If you chuck the club and lack store-up you can bet your top and bottom halves are in the wrong order. In this video Gary explains the main causes of chucking or casting the club.
Swing of the Month: March 15
Stephen has been a Member of the site for a couple of years and has made some big changes. Gary looks at a couple of swings he sent us at the start of the month and compares them to some swings he sent us in 2013. A great example for anyone who struggles with arm […]
Shifting,Turning and The Left Side
This is a very common Left Sided swing pattern that develops because of exaggerated concepts of weight-shift and turning. This is a great Lesson for anyone who gets across-the-line and has trouble developing store-up.
Low Left Side
It is impossible to shallow your swing path if you have a low left side. This student was aware he was ‘across the line’ and had a steep downswing. This is a great Live Lesson for anyone who is steep and lacks store-up.
Shape and Weight Shift
This student had problems store-up and pulling the ball. He had difficult compressing the ball and playing in the wind. This pattern is a very common pattern that originates from low hands and an inverted turn pattern.
Body Release
Question from Dan Gd Day Gary, need advise from you. i’ve go through Lamb’s / Rod’s swing video many times. i can see from their DS, they’re actually rotating their body with their arms just ride along. and their hips are open at impact. is this what you call ” body released” ? but i’ve […]
Search Results for: store-up
New video in January
This month Gary talks about the importance of the core in The Right Sided Swing, how it is more important to get things working in the right direction around the core, than to have a really strong core. We also have new Hd swing video and Live Lessons on Store-up and how to remove the baby under the […]