The In-Out-Over swing pattern makes people pull and slice the ball and is very common. The loop can be easily reversed if you start in the right position and understand its main causes. In this Lesson Gary talks about the importance of the posture and the ‘Thunderbird Position’ at set-up and shows how to stop […]
Video Search Results: posture
Tournament Prep: One Motion
If you want to prepare properly for tournament golf you need to have your swing down to couple of drills and be able be able to put them it into ‘one motion’. In this recent Lesson Gary explains how this is possible if you have the correct posture and arm structure at set-up.
Arms in Front
When the arms go behind the body going back the only way to come from the inside is by straightening the posture. In this lesson Gary gives this student more power and accuracy though compression.
Resistance and Coil
Proper Coil can only be achieved with the correct Posture and Shape. In this Lesson Gary talks about how to set the club correctly on the hand-line and shows how to stop a hook by coming inside the right way.
Square to the Sternum
Keeping the club square to the Sternum creates True Loft and consistency. It cannot be done without the correct posture at set-up.
Re-balancing and Putting
Setting up in the correct position is just as crucial with putting as it is in the swing. In this video we look at the initial position of the head relative to the ball and posture at set-up.
Lateral Hip Sway
When people try to stop swaying they usually turn their right foot in and try to stay still with their heads. This lesson shows how to fix the sway with the correct posture at set-up.
Turn to Burn
Turning with straight posture usually causes the arms to travel too low and too far behind the body. In this Live Lesson Gary marries the concepts of turn and arm direction. This is a good lesson for students who flip because they are straight.
Shallow Early: Arm Drop Part 2
Shallowing the club early in the downswing maintains the original radius of the club-head from the torso but also also allows the body to stay in its original posture during the downswing. Many great ball strikers do this. In this video Gary explains the importance of the body in the RSS motion.
Too Void and Too Shallow
Most golfers are over-hinged and are too steep coming down. Not this one! Posture and the correct Arm Hang enable the club to set correctly.
Search Results for: posture
Gary Edwin Golf Membership – The Complete Package
With a staggering 1000+ Teaching Videos, Members Q & A, Player Articles and more. Our passion is to assist golfers at all levels to be the best they can possibly be and to inspire them to enjoy a life-long love of the great game of golf. We aim to invest golf enthusiasts, coaches and anyone […]
Lessons Step 1-5
Our passion is to assist golfers at all levels to be the best they can possibly be and to inspire them to enjoy a life-long love of the great game of golf. We aim to invest golf enthusiasts, coaches and anyone interested in improving their golf with an effective and easy-to-use resource directed at actually […]