What’s the best way to get the overness right on course? How do we get Eddie the eagle correct without too much thought walking into the ball… J
Video Search Results: posture
Posture and Path
Getting your posture correct at set-up allows you to swing your arms in the right direction, swing them early coming down and get more speed with the shaft. In this lesson Gary explains extreme importance of posture and path.
Posture and the Inside Move
Setting up with the correct bend and maintaining it is so important in the RSS. In this lesson Gary demonstrates how to stop the over-the-top motion and get the inside move correctly coming down.
Posture and the First Move
In this video Gary explains how posture is they key to the first move and to turning in the right direction. The first move back cannot be achieved without the correct Posture and Shape at set-up.
Depth and Maintaining Posture
In this lesson Gary describes the transition in The Right Sided Swing. He also talks about the importance of depth and maintaining posture during the swing.
Taylor Cooper: Posture and Path
Taylor Cooper started working with us when he was 14. Nine years later he is playing on tour but still working on the fundamentals of posture to fix his swing faults at their origin.
Rod Pampling: Posture and Turn
This recent lesson shows just how important Posture is at set-up. Rod was worried about the club going in early in his back-swing, this was being caused by bad posture and tilting shoulders.
Posture and Path
Gary often says the first lesson you have is the most important. This recent lesson is a good one for understanding the basic fundamentals of The Right Sided Swing. Gary talks about why young players should fix their swings early.
Maintaining Posture and Shape
Gary explains where to bend from and the importance of maintaining the original posture and ‘Shape’during the swing.
Pure Irons
The keys to hitting pure iron shots are swing path and posture. In this lesson Gary talks about taking the target line out of your psyche and a drill that builds the entire golf swing.
Search Results for: posture
Impact Fix and Face Control
The best players can consistently hit the straight the ball and are able to work really small shapes. Peter Senior is still so impressive! Our latest Tour Player Lesson will help anyone understand the fundamentals of posture and swing path and how to keep improving impact and club-face control.
Learning to Coil
Learning to Coil correctly is the key to developing direct arm and shaft speed coming down. People who don’t start correctly almost always over-turn or tilt in the first move. In this new video Gary demonstrates how the correct arm structure and posture enable you to get a coil, and easily develop a more powerful […]
Right Arm Down
Getting the shoulders and arms moving in the right direction early allows the right arm to fold correctly. This position at the top allows you to swing the club down without having to make adjustments to your body posture. Most golfers struggle with the first move down because they suck the right arm in or […]
The Sledge Hammer
The Sledge Hammer Drill done correctly is a simple fix for so many different swing faults! This month Gary posted a comprehensive indoor routine to strengthen and maintain the positions in your swing without having to go to the range. Understanding posture and arm direction is the key to building a simple, powerful and repeatable […]
Mastering the Cut-off
Gavin Coles is one of the best at flighting the ball into the wind. Mastering the cut-off shot requires the correct posture and path coming into the ball. In this Tour Lesson Gary talks about stomping and trapping the ball and how to stop the face flipping over.
Reversing the Loop
The In-Out-Over swing pattern makes people pull and slice the ball and is very common. The loop can be easily reversed if you start in the right position and understand its main causes. In this Lesson Gary talks about the importance of the posture and the ‘Thunderbird Position’ at set-up and shows how to stop […]
Coil and Depth
Many golfers believe that flexibility issues stop them turning.Trying to lift the left heel in the backswing often causes sliding and lifting of the posture. Not many modern players lift the left heel.To coil properly and maintain the Shape of the body the lower half needs to turn from the correct area. We have just […]
Back to Square One
The reason most golfers find the swing so hard to fix is because they just don’t want to go back to square one! Ironically it is the easiest place to fix things and without the correct posture and arm angles at set-up it is impossible to take the club-head and shaft back in the right direction. […]