Gary, Commentators drive my nuts when I hear them saying that a player ‘lost his level’ or ‘dipped’. And they only say this when someone hits a bad shot, as I guess they need to say something. It would be safe to say that 90-95% of good players ‘lower’ during the backswing and almost 100% […]
Video Search Results: coil
Coil and Turn
In this video Gary talks about coil, what it is and how it develops. Many students are trying to turn the wrong side to get the coil. Coil is the resistance created by the turning in the right direction, the ability to come back and swing the arms without having to change the direction of […]
Left Side Keys
If you want to hit it hard with your right side without falling back or flipping, you need to set up correctly with your left side. In this video Gary goes through the keys to getting the left side of the body correct so you can turn in the right direction and coil.
Swing Axis and the Ball
If your swing axis is correct you can coil and cover the ball coming down. In this video Gary explains swing axis and how it relates to the ball position in the RSS.
The Top and Bottom and More Speed
If your top and bottom half is in the correct order and you are coiling, you can swing the shaft faster with the RSS. In this video Gary compares a couple of major winning swings, and explains the different way they generate speed.
Power and Swing Length
Lots of golfers have big long swings that don’t produce any power or consistency. In this video Gary talks about how to generate power with proper sequence, radius and coil.
The Swing Axis
If the top of your spine is wrong because of the way you look at the ball you cannot coil properly. In this lesson Gary explains how to use your spine as the swing axis and why it is so important for the arm swing.
X-Line Fix
Keeping the Gap in the lower and coiling correctly supports the arm structure and the shaft. In this lesson Gary talks about the importance of the set-up, maintaining the gap and to fix across-the-line swings.
Radius and Power
You can generate a lot of power with the speed of your arms and the shaft. If you coil around a central axis and have your radius correct you can swing your arms faster and further. In this video Gary talks about how to develop more speed without losing accuracy.
The Lead Side
It is very important to get the lead side correct at set-up in the RSS. Getting the left side in a strong position allows you to turn the right side away from it and coil properly. In this video Gary explains the fundamentals of the lead side, relative ball position and how to simplify the […]
Search Results for: coil
Arms Lead
Players usually get in trouble in the transition when they shift or clear the body early. Having the Arms Lead is only possible if your backswing is coiled and you have Shape. Tiger had this Drill mastered in 2000 and many of Right Sided players still do it to check they are in the correct […]
Shallow Early
If you have the Shape and the Coil going back you can shallow the shaft early in the downswing. In the RSS the club comes down the right arm and around into impact. A lot of better players are steeper and have to shallow the club later. In this video Gary explains how great ball […]
Like a Throw
When the top half gets in front of the bottom going back and the right arm gets on top of the left it can never work correctly. In this Live Lesson lesson Gary talks about the difference between turn and coil and gives a simple fix for the tilting swing pattern.
Power: Shape and Speed
Shifting weight by coiling correctly allows you to swing faster with the shaft. The concept of shifting weight can cause all sorts of problems. Mathew Cort has a pure RS swing and a string of victories this year. In this new video Gary looks at his swing and he talks about coiling, shifting weight laterally, […]
Release: Body or Arms?
The arms pull the body into a turn. You can turn a lot and and still not get any coil. Turn in the wrong direction and you can’t swing your arms down. We have just uploaded Gary’s response to the question: Is it an Arm Swing or a Body Release? Enjoy!
Video Archive
Featured Video this Month Members Q and A: The Ball Throw Clinic Footage: Hitting Straight Tour Lesson: Open and Narrow Putting: Wristy Champions Vs The Modern Stroke Recent Featured Video Behind the Ropes: No Extra Moves Live Lesson: The Wrists and Over-swing Tour Lesson: Pure Irons Members Q and A: Turning the Head Behind the […]
Legs not Knees
Understanding the correct movement of top and bottom halves of the body can make swing changes much simpler to digest. Most people try to transfer weight with their knees and end up with very unstable top halves. It is very important to set-up with the correct angle of the feet and legs, you can then […]
New Video in The Members Area
All of our tour players and most of our students have models that they are constantly trying to get back to. This month in the Members Area gary talks POWER! Most golfers have problems keeping their angles when they try to smash it. He goes through some drills he uses with his players to develop […]
New Video in the Members Area
Have you ever tried to shorten your swing but couldn’t? Some students try to shorten their arm swing and it makes their wrists hinge more. Gary often talks about ‘dead weighting’ the club to get the radius of the takeaway correct. We have just posted a video of Gary explaining this concept and how it […]