Gary often says when players are on course they try to fade the ball the wrong way. Peter Senior is now finding it easier to fade the ball. We have just posted a new video in the Members Area of Peter showing how he does it. This month we also have video of Gavin Coles talking to LET player Rebecca Artis about how he optimises his driver spin rate and trajectory, so he gets more roll when it hits the ground. New high def slow-motion swings and a Live Lesson on store-up and compression.
I found the video “Shape and Weight Shift” most helpful – I am still struggling with being laid off at the top of swing and resort to tilting the shoulders and turning the left knee in. This is timely reinforcement of keeping the body shape and hands high at address to stop the rolling of the hands on the takeaway. See you in the near future. Regards, Jamie
I wish I was near you guys but none the less im going to the range tomorrow here in socal to start with RSS wish me luck.