Tour Players try to launch the ball at about half the measured loft of their irons. To do that consistently you need to understand the concept of True-Loft and what a release really is. In this new video Gary talks about impact and the follow-though and how to stop adding loft at impact.
Right Hand: Fingers or Palm?
If you have the correct Arm Bias and Body Angle at address it is very easy to get your grip right! In this new video Gary talks about the origin of bad grips and how to correct them with a simple drill.
Pressure in the Feet
A good way to tell if you are bending from the right places and have the correct Shape at set-up is by looking at the pressure in your feet. In this video Gary talks about pressure in the feet at set-up and during the swing and how you can monitor it with this simple Drill.
Finding the Centre
The early era of golf instruction was all about shifting weight laterally. In the 1980’s a few guys looked closer at some of the better ball strikers of the past and decided they didn’t like lateral and wide going back. They talked more about sequence and had a better understanding of swing radius and what […]
The Turning Point
There needs to be a point where turn stops and comes back again. People who tilt and over-rotate lose their original angle and can’t get proper store-up coming down. In this new Live Lesson Gary explains the turning point, throwing darts and getting more power with less effort.
Classic Faldo
Nick Faldo’s Body Angles and Sequence were so good in his prime that he dominated the majors with his accuracy and distance control. If your sequence is right going back the downswing is so much easier. In this video Gary talks about what you can learn from Sir Nick and what happened to his swing […]
Finding Impact
Great ball strikers know the feeling of covering the ball and trapping the ball at impact. When they loose the feeling it is much harder to control the ball and hit certain types of shots. Finding Impact is easier when you set-up correctly. In this new Tour Player Lesson Gary talks to UK Instructor Luke […]
Right Clears the Left
The correct movement of the lower half on the backswing is essential if you are going to shift correctly. There are so many myths about hip turn! Golfers tend to talk about the left hip clearing but you’ve got two. New video just posted!
Draws and Fades
Most golfers hit one shape consistently and learn to navigate around the course with that shape. Some players can manufacture big hooks and cuts but the exaggerated spin is harder to align for and control. If you have good technique you can drop the ball down both ways and without changing your backswing.
New Quick-Start Videos
This month we have uploaded a new quick-start video series to the Members Area. Gary has taken it back to to the bare bones with a new simple to follow sequence of Videos and Drills for getting the foundations of the Swing correct. If you get the first stages right you can build a swing […]