You can completely rebuild your swing at home with a mirror and a few simple Drills. Learning to bend correctly and learning to push are the key to learning the Right Sided Swing. In this video Gary recommends a guide to rebuilding your swing from the ground up.
Shape and Voidness
Just about all of the modern players these days are what we call ‘void’. People who over-hinge the club often pull the club down or throw the club out and get steep coming down. In this lesson Gary talks about the importance of being Void and having Shape and how these concepts can transform your […]
The Sweeping Motion
People who have steep swings often have the wrong concept of what a full swing is. The club can travel a long way if you have the Sweeping Motion. In this video Gary talks about why modern swings that look small can create so much power.
Reversing the Loop
The In-Out-Over swing pattern makes people pull and slice the ball and is very common. The loop can be easily reversed if you start in the right position and understand its main causes. In this Lesson Gary talks about the importance of the posture and the ‘Thunderbird Position’ at set-up and shows how to stop […]
Shoulder Direction and Wrist Action
The direction of the shoulder turn in the Right Sided Swing allows players to get the swing path correct without any independent hand action. In this new lesson Gary and Peter Senior talk about their swing patterns and how they feel when they are striking it best. A good lesson for any old school flippers!
Longer Drivers and More Speed
With the PGA champion playing a 47″ plus Driver, longer Driver Shafts are being tested by a lot of players looking for more distance. Most people however, struggle to keep them on the planet. In this video Gary explains how to increase shaft speed and keep control of the ball with a 48 inch Driver […]
Arms Lead
Players usually get in trouble in the transition when they shift or clear the body early. Having the Arms Lead is only possible if your backswing is coiled and you have Shape. Tiger had this Drill mastered in 2000 and many of Right Sided players still do it to check they are in the correct […]
The Catching Position
Getting set up correctly is often the hardest thing for people to achieve. Gary often refers to the structure of the Arms and Body at set-up as being like a ‘Catching Position’. In this new video he demonstrates an easy way to get set-up and a simple drill to get the overall feeling of the […]
Left Side Out
Most players struggle with the first move down because their left sides are in the wrong position going back. In this Lesson Gary explains how the left side comes out going back and how to shift pressure correctly in transition.
Swing Pattern Breakdown: The Hook
Swing Pattern faults tend to come out under pressure and in certain situations. Better players who draw the ball sometimes have trouble hooking it under pressure. In this video Gary talks about this swing pattern breakdown and the importance of being able to maintain the club-face body relationship and take the side spin off the […]